Piccalilli Newsletter - Issue #55

Howdy 👋

It’s Issue 55 today and with that nice, solid number, I feel like I can draw a line in the sand which I’ve been wanting to draw for a little while now.

I’m changing how this newsletter works. It hasn’t evolved much since Issue 1—I found some stuff I liked and shared it with you. After curating 54 of those though, I’ve felt myself getting a bit bored of the workflow and got lazy in my curation. I love finding new stuff and sharing it, but I want to shake things up around here.

A new format and schedule permalink

The new newsletter format is a letter, just like this. It’ll be like I’m writing an email to you, personally, every week with my thoughts of what’s going on in the web and stuff I’ve found that I think you, a valued subscriber, will like. I’ll also talk more about educational content that’s being added or worked on too to give you more of a look behind the curtain.

The concept is that you can read the whole thing in a few minutes, each week, so I’m not taking up too much of your time. I’ll also be publishing it on a Friday, which means Issue 56 will be published on Friday September 25th. I think this format will be a nice week closer, rather than an opener.

Why the change? permalink

A combination of not feeling the format for a while and a sudden increase of spam reports has made me think that the change is needed now rather than the future. I’ll admit my last few issues have been a bit sloppier than usual, so apologies for that.

Of course, you can always unsubscribe and resubscribe whenever you like. There’s always a couple of links at the bottom of each issue of the email.

Wrapping up permalink

That’s all for now. I hope you will like this new format and the newer era of this newsletter. There’s more than 5,000 of you all now, so thank you for your support and hopefully, I’ll catch you next week.

Until the next issue, take it easy.
