Piccalilli Newsletter - Issue #23

Welcome permalink

Ćao! 👋

Happy Friday, everyone. It’s my last day before a nice summer holiday with my family. Because of that, this newsletter will be the last one for a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, let's enjoy some CSS together!

If you’re enjoying reading this newsletter as much as I’m enjoying creating it, please share it with your pals. It’ll be really appreciated if you do.


Featured Article permalink

How to Accessibly Split Text

This is a nice dive into some accessibility concerns that come along with splitting text into separate elements.

As always, Michelle goes into a nice amount of detail for us all.

Fancy permalink

Khan Academy Annual Report

⚠️Motion warning ⚠️

Lot’s of lush shape work on this design, mixed with tasteful animations and smart typography. It very much makes my eyes smile.

GT America - Font Site

⚠️Motion warning ⚠️

I bloody love this site. The tiny colour palette, the clean layout and the fancy animations are to die for!

Illustration permalink


This is lovely from Dora. A nice use of CSS to make up this illustration.

Fun permalink


There’s a reason that I joke that this newsletter is actually Adam’s newsletter. It’s because he consistently produces stunning work. This is no exception.

Go and follow him.

Sponsor permalink

This week’s sponsor is Every Layout

If you find yourself wrestling with CSS layout, it’s likely you’re making decisions for browsers they should be making themselves. Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS.

Employing algorithmic layout design means doing away with @media breakpoints, “magic numbers”, and other hacks, to create context-independent layout components. Your future design systems will be more consistent, terser in code, and more malleable in the hands of your users and their devices.

We’ve got a special code for Piccalilli subscribers where you can get 20% off. Use the code PICCALILLI_PAL at the checkout to get everything for $80 instead of $100.

Thank you permalink

That’s all, folks

If you have any comments, feedback or submissions, please get in touch via Twitter or Email.

I’m also taking a short break from writing tutorials, so I’m looking to feature your work. If you have written a handy CSS utility, CSS trick or tutorial, you can submit a link over at https://submissions.piccalil.li

Until the next issue, take it easy 🙂